heard this song a little while ago. Loved. Of coarse made me think of Muka. Especially on the 2nd verse when it says: "I still can't get enough even though the times are rough. And boy you know I trip a bit because your not around, but it's okay babe. You gotta get 'em baby. " (:
So Just play it as you enjoy the pics. (;
..Pictures from the last day with Elder Atiga (:
His last drive out of West Valley for 2 years..
My 2 sisters (Sepa and Sariah) than one of muka's best friends AJ (orange) nd me nd muka's good friend Izzy (grey)
Muka and His Oldest Sister with Her little Family. The Asiata's
The 3 People I can be myself with most!
Muka and his sisters..Sweets nd Tang
Muka and his little brother Duke, oldest brother Joey
The Atiga's..just missing Muka's brother Robert
All of us (:
Muka nephew Ephraim and his neices Nana and Shawnee
FOREVER Lovin' This Guy...
Our Last Meal Together. Lol.
Provo. UT Temple
Our VERY LAST picture together right before he got out the car..hence the watery eyes. haha
Muka nd his Mom
Hope you guys enjoyed!
..6 days down..724 to go!..
p.s. I got my first letter today! Never thought I could be so happy on a Monday! Lol. (: Yay for Monday letters!
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